Do I need to transfer a certain part of my receivables, or is there a minimum amount of debt that I need to transfer to use mediaFinanz debt collection services?
2021-04-14 2022-02-16 10:39:46


No. We are a professional collection service provider and specialists who deal both with small and very large debt volumes. This also applies to the amounts of individual claims. […]

Am I able to configure the shop modules to suit my requirements?
2021-04-14 2022-02-16 10:44:55


Naturally, the eShop modules offer various configuration options. When you input details of your outstanding debts, you will be able to specify how long an order should keep a specific order status, before it can be transferred to mediaFinanz. Reminder charges and the interval between status updates may also be defined. When you ask for credit reports, you can naturally specify which methods of paym […]

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