Why do I receive a mediaFinanz reminder, although I have not had any goods yet?
Why do I need to sign a power of attorney for collection?
Why do I need a registration code?
Who are the bankers of mediaFinanz?
Which integration form should I choose?
Which creditworthiness information can I call-off via mediaFinanz interfaces?
Where does mediaFinanz obtain its information?
What should I do if I change my name|address?
What must I do if I cannot meet the statutory payment term?
What is "interlinking" and how does it work?
What authentication form should I choose?
What are the preconditions for the use of mediaFinanz enquiry and investigation services?
What are the functions offered by the eShop modules?
Must I become a member and pay a subscription to be eligible to use the mediaFinanz collection service?
Is there such a thing as a ready-made solution for my software?
Is mediaFinanz a well-regarded collection company?
How do I transfer my claims to mediaFinanz?
How do I make use of mediaFinanz credit checking and investigation services?
Does mediaFinanz handle overseas collections?
Does mediaFinanz also conduct legal recovery proceedings?
Do I need to transfer a certain part of my receivables, or is there a minimum amount of debt that I need to transfer to use mediaFinanz debt collection services?
Am I able to configure the shop modules to suit my requirements?