Why do I need a registration code?
2021-04-14 2022-02-16 10:45:31


A registration code is needed for "interlinking" your client account with the module or the plug-in. The input of the registration code tells us the name of the producer of the application. If there are any problems, this enables us to contact the producer of the application directly. You will receive the registration code from the provider of your mediaFinanz link. […]

Who are the bankers of mediaFinanz?
2021-04-14 2022-02-16 10:21:54


Please use the transfer forms we have sent to you. To ensure that we are able to post your payment promptly, please always quote our file reference for each transfer. You will find the file reference on our reminder letter.
Here is our account information
Account number: 246 447
Bank sort code: 265 501 05
Sparkasse Osnabrück
IBAN: DE50 2655 0105 0000 2464 47

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